Assalamualaikum and hye peeps !!
We meet again. Today i want to talk about my understanding on TN50. So what is TN50??
Based on what i googling Transformasi Nasional 2050, or TN50, is a national development initiative spanning the years 2020 to 2050. This initiative will be driven by clear 30-year goals and targets, which are being developed via an inclusive and consultative process. The general goal for TN50 is for Malaysia to become a top 20 country in the world by the year 2050.
TN50 will adopt a bottom-up approach to foster a sense of belonging and participation in the country’s development among the rakyat. In the run up to the unveiling of TN50 policy document set to be published in early 2020, a series of discourse focused on youth and other segments will be held from the year 2017 onwards to collect views from the public on what the Malaysian identity should be in 2050. On 19 January 2017, the Malaysian Prime Minister, Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Razak, launched the first series of national discourse with some 500 youth leaders at Dewan Tunku Canselor, University of Malaya.
If compare TN50 and Vision 2020 that called for the nation toachieve a self sufficient indrustrialized nation encompassing all aspect of life, from economic prosperity, social well-being,world class education, political stability as well as psychological balance. As i see it,there is not much difference where TN50 emphasises environment and technology.Therefore we should try to fulfill or complete what was envisioned in Vision 2020.
Lots of Love <3 Nur