
Saturday, October 27, 2018


Assalamualaikum and hye peeps !!

We meet again. Today i want to talk about my understanding on TN50. So what is TN50?? 

Based on what i googling Transformasi Nasional 2050, or TN50, is a national development initiative spanning the years 2020 to 2050. This initiative will be driven by clear 30-year goals and targets, which are being developed via an inclusive and consultative process. The general goal for TN50 is for Malaysia to become a top 20 country in the world by the year 2050.

TN50 will adopt a bottom-up approach to foster a sense of belonging and participation in the country’s development among the rakyat. In the run up to the unveiling of TN50 policy document set to be published in early 2020, a series of discourse focused on youth and other segments will be held from the year 2017 onwards to collect views from the public on what the Malaysian identity should be in 2050. On 19 January 2017, the Malaysian Prime Minister, Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Razak, launched the first series of national discourse with some 500 youth leaders at Dewan Tunku Canselor, University of Malaya.

If compare TN50 and Vision 2020 that called for the nation toachieve a self sufficient indrustrialized nation encompassing all aspect of life, from economic prosperity, social well-being,world class education, political stability as well as psychological balance. As i see it,there is not much difference where TN50 emphasises environment and technology.Therefore we should try to fulfill or complete what was envisioned in Vision 2020.

Lots of Love <3 Nur

Wednesday, October 17, 2018


Assalamualaikum and hye guys

So for this entry i was given a task to write out about qaryah and its constribution to the community. Qaryah means a group of villagers that sharing or stay near to the mosque. In this country we have a lot of qaryah in every state and i'm was the qaryah for Masjid Kubang Menerong. As we all know mosque is not only places that we go to pray but it also can build a strong relationship between the villagers.

Qaryah is very important to community because they will manage the mosque, cemetery of the qaryah and so on. Without qaryah , the mosque will not alive. Many activites that have done by qaryah such as class to perform hajj and umrah , iftar with community, talk by ustaz and etc.

Since my mom are one of the AJK at Masjid Kubang Menerong so i know a bit about activities that have done by qaryah. I always followed my mom and there a time when the qaryah invited a famous ustaz to give a talk such as UAI, Ustaz Haslin, Ustaz Abdullah Khairi and many more. At that time, many people come at mosque to see their favourite ustaz.

I thinks that all for this entry and till we meet again

Lots of love <3 Nur

Tuesday, October 9, 2018


Assalamualaikum and hye everybody

We meet again.. 

This is my fourth entry. Today I was given a task to write about my understanding on NLP. Honestly from deep of my heart, i dont know what it is NLP and what its all about. So i do some research and found a little bit about that.. Okay then lets me explain based on my understanding.

NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming, a name that encompasses the three most influential components involved in producing human experience.

NEUROLOGY - How andwhy people think the way we do
LINGUISTIC    - How we use both verbal and non-verbal language that describes our reality
PROGRAMMING - How our patterns of thinking and use of language within the context of our unique environments create and shape our thought, beliefs, behaviour, and perception of reality 

Neuro-Linguistic Programming is likeuser's manual for the brain, and taking an NLP training is like learning how to become fluent in the language of your mind so that the ever-so-helpful "server" that is your unconscious will finally understand what you actually want out of life

NLP is the study of excellent communication-both yourself, and with others. It was developed by modelling excellent communicators and theraphist who got results with their clients. NLP is as set of tools and techniques, but it is so much more than that. It is an attitude and a methodology of knowing how to achieve your goals and get results. 

You may watch this video for better understanding

I think thats all from me and till we meet again for the next entry 👸👸👸

Lots of love <3 Nur

Wednesday, October 3, 2018


Hye.. Assalamualaikum. We meet again

So today  i have been given the opportunity  to write about anything that i want to share.  So here we go !!! I would like to share about my experience handle the mysterious thing. Don't be scared and don't shut down your laptop because i bet this story is not horror than your favourite movie Munafik 2.. Hahahaa.

Some person have been given superiority to see those thing and some person not. And those who not see must be grateful because they can live happily ever after without having a fear. Actually I'm not the one that can see those thing ,, but I have some experience to share. Not creppy at all

When i was in diploma, , i live in hostel. So i bet all of you must know that hostel is the famous place for ghost. One night at 3am, I had trouble falling asleep. My room was the entire top floor of the building with my bed and such being on the left side, the storage closets and drawer are being on the right. I was lying in bed when I heard a noise footsteps from outside of the room. Some of my roomate already sleep, and some of them are still at lower floor. The foot step plus rocking house sound come more and more closure at my room.  At this point I was freaking out and just buried my head under my blankets and not peeked out from it. Someones are coming from the door, i can hear that... Then i felt that, my hands are being touched by someone. Omg.... I slowly pull my blanket and overcome my fearness.. Nahhhh... SURPRISEEEE ... That was their plan.. They set it up for my belated birthday. Ya allah, at the time i felt like i want to cry and mad because they make my heart shocked. They know that my weakness is that 'thing' so they make it real. They just pretend to sleep to cover their plan. That was the one memory i can't forget until now.

I have to cover up my face w love emoji bcause my face are totally pale due to shock..haha 

Thank You readers and Sorry for the plot twist... We'll see again next time

Lots of love, Nur <3


Hai assalamualaikum everyone Today topic here is about things that i do in my life and why?? I might say that this is my last post and ...